Contemporary rugs


Modern rugs Toronto

Our selection of modern rugs uses bright and bold colors and patterns to complement any modern or classic style. Gone are the days of plain, boring carpets or floors.

A bold look today is to combine classic styles with modern flair. Many of our rug designs include both classic and contemporary looks, for a unique style that hasn’t been seen in previous years but is rapidly gaining in popularity! Put together your own unique look with a blend of classic and modern, to tie any room together in an unforgettable style.

Contemporary meets classic

Many people who love abstract, modern designs choose contemporary rugs to finish the look of any room. Modern design doesn’t have to mean sterile or harsh. You can still achieve a soft, welcoming look to your home or office with any of our contemporary rugs that add a splash of abstract art with color, flair, and purpose.

Can’t find the size or color you are looking for, our modern rugs can be custom made to fit any room. Hand made from wool or perhaps durable machine made rugs for high traffic areas or kids rooms. Stop by our Toronto showroom today to see our best contemporary rugs!

**Sizes vary per product.

**Contact us for sizes and availability

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